Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Another hap-hap-happy title this morning.  I swear to you I'm not all doom and gloom.  Just lately, I suppose.

Throughout the course of life, it goes without saying that we encounter people who are bound to disappoint us at one time or another.  However, I was under the silly impression that as we aged, we (as people...humanity as a whole) matured with said age and began to (for the most part) make wiser decisions.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm known to do something royally stupid from time to time, but who isn't?  Anyhow...I'm beginning to think this whole "maturity with age" thing is a huge lie.

I'm not going to get into the impetus behind this post, but suffice it to say, disappointment is clearly the main idea here, kids.  In life we have certain expectations of our loved ones...obligations that are meant to be fulfilled simply because it's the right thing to do.  But what do we do when they throw you a huge curve ball and simply fail to pull their head out of their own ass and make the right choice?  Quite frankly, I think it's gotten to the point where I'm going to wash my hands of the entire situation and said person as a whole.  I mean honestly...how much time does one have to spend giving people the benefit of the doubt when they clearly don't care enough to correct their choices and actions?  (I really despise speaking so vaguely about the situation, but I'm not about to start a bunch of unnecessary drama. God knows that's what it would evolve into....and I'm just too old for that.) 

If I've learned anything in life over the course of the...oh....past nine years or so, it's that we must learn to forgive and forget.  Life is too short to hold a grudge and let things fester.  And believe me kids, this is a REALLY tough lesson for yours truly to learn and abide by.  I'm about as Irish stubborn as they come.  Alas, I suppose that's what I'll have to do with this current situation.  I have no other choice. 

I think that's all for today.  Or who know...perhaps just this morning.  I'm planning a stop at Costco later and I'm sure that'll spark some sort of rant.

I'm pretty convinced that if I wasn't able to complain, I wouldn't talk.

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